Bodywisdom Spain Congress 2016 „Walking Throughout Life“
Benicàssim – eine Stadt an der Costa del Azahar in der Provinz Castelló in der Nähe von Valencia. Vor genau einem Jahr, Anfang Juni 2016 bekam ich dort die Möglichkeit, einen Vortrag und einen Workshop im Rahmen des Kongresses „Bodywisdom Spain“ anzubieten – mein erster internationaler Auftritt in englischer Sprache.
Referenten aus Australien, Frankreich, Spanien und USA, Experten in der Forschung zu Faszien und Körpertherapien stellten ihre Arbeit in Vorträgen und Workshops vor. Dr. JC. Guimberteau MD – Architectures of living fascia, Jose Vicente Lopez – Pold Method of Oscillatory Mobilization, Jenny Petridis – Bowen Therapy, Helena Baraquilla – 5 Rythems, Til Luchau – Myofascial Techniques, Larry Koliha – Advanced Rolfer, Dr. Francisco Martinez Soriano – Anatomy of the consciousness, Bethany Ward – Biomechanics embodied, Susana Ramon – Feldenkrais Method waren von Bibiana Badenes, der Organisatorin und Leiterin des Kongresses eingeladen.
Auszüge aus dem englischsprachigen Programm
“Walking may be the most characteristic movement we humans make. The way each of us walks reveals our unique integration of neuromuscular patterns; the quality of our gait reflects the qualities of our entire body, and our entire being. It is this theme that united the distinguished speakers at the 2016 Bodywisdom Congress: “Walking Throughout Life”, with all its varied connotations. Living connective tissue behaves in accordance to the qualities of its constituent cells, which move, bind, sense, and respond. In the same way, we as people respond to specific physical manipulations and techniques, and to practices like expressive movement and mindfulness. These methods can often immediately and visibly shifting the way we walk, and the way we walk through life itself. Walking may be the most characteristic movement we humans make. The way each of us walks reveals our unique integration of neuromuscular patterns; the quality of our gait reflects the qualities of our entire body, and our entire being.
It is this theme that united the distinguished speakers at the 2016 Bodywisdom Congress: “Walking Throughout Life”, with all its varied connotations.
Living connective tissue behaves in accordance to the qualities of its constituent cells, which move, bind, sense, and respond. In the same way, we as people respond to specific physical manipulations and techniques, and to practices like expressive movement and mindfulness. These methods can often immediately and visibly shifting the way we walk, and the way we walk through life itself.”
“Buenas diaz ladies and gentlemen,
I am Thomas Rogall, Physiotherapist and founder of the Foot school Munich. There are very different kinds of human walking. But with every step you form your foot and you get an imprint in your foot. It is the mirror of whole Body coordination. The arch of the foot depends of well-balanced strain during all step-phases. In my lecture you will learn how to form your foot functionel, how to treat foot imbalances like hallux valgus or foot deformities like skewed, sunken and splayed feet.
I hope to meet you in Benicassim”
Sehen Sie hier einige Impressionen vom Kongress:
» Meine persönlichen Eindrücke (YouTube Kanal Bodywisdom)
» Rückblick Bodywisdom Spain (YouTube Kanal Bodywisdom)
Herzlich, Ihr Thomas Rogall